ICT Infrastructure

ICT Infrastructure
Sr.No. Description Number Remark
1 Number of Computer labs 2
2 Total number of students in the KV 941
3 Number of computers for students 30
4 Student Computer ratio 31
5 Number of computer in Physics Lab 01
6 Number of Computer in Chemistry Lab 01
7 Number of computers in the Biology Lab 01
8 Number of computers in the Maths Lab 01
9 Number of computers in the Music Room 01
10 Number of computers in the Art Room 01
11 Number of computers in the Exam Room 01
12 Number of computers in the Sports Room 00
13 Number of computers in the staff common room 01
14 Number of computers for office staff 02
15 Speed of the Internet connection in the KV (in Mbps) 20 Mbps
16 Number of LCD Projector 34
17 Interactive Board 03
18 Visualizer 17
19 Writing Pad 03
20 Magic Studio 01
